Transfer or Download Your Google Workspace Data
When you discontinue your employment from Mayflower Schools, your MSD Google account will expire and eventually be deleted. Don't lose your content!
You may use "Google Takeout" to transfer your school email and data to either a personal Google account or download it as an export file to your own computer. Please refer to Google's support article, "Copy content from your school account to another account."
"Google Takeout" can help you with some, but not all of your content. If you also wish to transfer your Google contacts, calendar, etc., easy instructions can be found by performing a Google search on the feature you wish to transfer or move, for example: "transfer Gmail contacts" or "export Google calendar."
Before You Begin
Act within your 30 day window after your MSD employment. After 30-days, your account will be disabled. Please take all necessary steps to download or transfer any information you wish to retain.
Make sure that you have enough storage space! Log into your MSD account and then visit to see how much storage space you are using in Gmail, Google Drive, or Google Photos.
If you plan to transfer data from your MSD account to a personal Google account, log into your personal Google account and visit to see how much room you have available. A free Google account typically has 15 GB of space. You can purchase more space from Google as needed.
If you plan to download data to your own computer, check your hard drive to see how much space you have available. Refer to Windows 10 Storage or macOS Storage to learn how.
Transfer email and docs to a personal Google account
The "Google Takeout" tool allows you to transfer much of your MSD Google account data to a personal Google account. For example, you can transfer email and Google documents that you own.
Remember, be sure that you have adequate storage space in your destination Gmail account. See the "Before You Begin" steps above.
Quick Instructions
Log into your MSD Google email account.
Visit "Google Takeout" for the "Transfer your data" option at
Enter your personal Google Gmail address as the destination account (e.g. IMPORTANT: Double-check the address for any spelling errors! You don't want to transfer your content to someone else's email account.
Click "Send Code."
Open your MSD Google Gmail and verify that you are making this request. Open the verification message and click the link to verify or get the confirmation code.
Enter the code on the Google Takeout page and click "Verify."
Select the content that you wish to transfer from your MSD Google account to your personal Google account (e.g. Drive, Gmail).
Click "Start Transfer."
An email will be sent to both mailboxes that the transfer is in progress. Depending on the amount of content, the transfer can take up to one week to complete.
When finished, Google will send a confirmation email that the transfer is done.
Go to your personal Google Gmail account. The email from your student account will appear in the left navigation as a new mailbox with your address.
Please refer to Google's support article for complete details and instructions, "Copy content from your school account to another account."
Remember, not all content can be transferred. Some materials, such as Contacts or Google documents that were shared with you (but those that you do not own), will not be transferred. Review the content after transfer and download or make copies of any additional documents or information as needed. You may also consider the download option mentioned below.